V o i d R e l i c s

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Void relics (as a title) are based on the impressions of a traveller about a city that is covered under the heavy veil of history. Following a flaneuristic approach of exploring a historic city, the photographer created a topology mixed with recent historical events and with echoes from the past that seem to demand an active role in the present. Echoes from the past were for example fascist statues and symbols, or pictures of Benito Mussolini. It was photographer's choice to leave aside documentation approach and to choose a surrealistic depiction of city's topology.

Void relics, void eyes (of eagles) that remain always in a prolonged surprise and admiration. In that environment there are still hidden aspirations of memories that should have been forgotten for ever. All these could have been happening to any historic city, but are happening in an “eternal city”.

C i t i e s I n V i s i b l e

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A photographic adaptation of Italo Calvino's book "Invisible Cities".
55 photographs that depict 55 “cities” attempting to describe the character of the metropolis of Athens.

Italo Calvino's book (published in Italian in 1972) consists of a sequence of imaginary dialogues between the Venetian traveler Marco Polo and the Tartar emperor Kublai Khan. In the course of these discussions, the young Polo describes a series of fifty five metropolises.

This book is arranged in a similar way.

- 1st Edition at Visitors Center at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center as part of "Critical" Presentation (2014)
- 2nd Edition at Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Atene as part of "Invisible Cities" exhibition (2015)

Web - presentation:
- The Greek Foundation - 11/2015
- Dodho Magazine - 01/2016
- Mutant Space - 02/2016

Adaptation - Photos copyright (c) 2014-2015 by Anargyros Drolapas / Italo Calvino's Book Copyright (c) 1972 by Giulio Einaudi Editore / English translation copyright (c) 1974 by Hartcourt Brace & Company / Preface text copyright (c) 2015 by Ioanna Galanaki
All content © Anargyros Drolapas